Monday, June 22, 2009

We Should Have Named Him Houdini

From birth, you couldn't keep this kids' arms in a swaddle. That left arm always broke free no matter how good a job I did. Now it seems that his pajamas are confining him. Perhaps he has inherited a bit of his mama's claustrophobia. What ever the reason, this boy will not conform and cannot be held down in any way. I'm sure this is just the beginning of plenty of pajama mishaps.


  1. Ha! Cute. Just wait til the day he figures out how to get his diaper off while there is poop inside. That is WAY more fun!\"/

  2. I still think he is the cutest boy in the world! I wonder if he's going to be left handed. Maybe he's just too hot at night like his uncle Ben?

  3. Man he is so cute and that is really funny!
