Friday, March 21, 2008

Will Our Generation Be Ready?

I've never known what it is like to have no home. I've never seen an empty pantry. I couldn't imagine going to bed without a soft pillow and warm blanket. Can people actually live without taking a shower for a month? Our generation has been incredibly blessed, but with that blessing I feel we missed an important lesson: how to survive without it. Even if you've committed every episode of Man vs. Wild to memory, it's not going to help much when you live in the city and have 4 hungry kids to feed. Even Bear Grylls gets a helicopter ride back to his warm comfy home after a few days of eating bugs.

Since I know some of the people I love the most are the only ones that look at my blog, I'd like to share something I'm extremely concerned about. I'm worried about the economy, I'm worried about stability and in general - I'm worried about the future of America.

The politicians have spent our country into oblivion, the dollar is losing value and all signs are pointed to America going into a depression greater than that of 1929. Sorry to sound "doom and gloom" especially when things really aren't THAT bad, at least not yet...Some may say that I'm being very negative and depressing, but I choose to look at "what is" and not hide my head in the sand. When times get desperate, it's too late to prepare.

Since birth, I can remember the prophets and church leaders forewarning us to get out out of debt, and have AT LEAST one years worth of food and supplies. Please, please- I'm begging you because I love you - Get Your Food Storage Together NOW. My mom and I have been going to the Bishop's Storehouse in Colton since last summer getting our supplies together, we still have a ways to go. In the last few months it is extremely hard to get an appointment to go canning because members are starting to panic and are canning like crazy. We were there canning last night and the volunteer announced that after March 22nd, certain basic items will come pre-canned (wheat, oats, starter kits, etc.). She said "How serious is the Lord and the Prophet when we are canning the food for you???" Since last summer the prices at the cannery have consistently gone up, and you know the cannery is about the cheapest place to get anything. Did you know it's over $13.00 for ONE can of powdered milk?

World-wide wheat is getting more scarce. The world supply of wheat is at its lowest level in decades. Some countries are already having wheat shortages, some governments are even hoarding wheat. In the United States, corn is being planted for ethanol instead of wheat. Brigham Young said that a bushel of wheat would be worth more than gold. (Although gold is nice to have, you can't eat it) I believe that time is coming soon. At the cannery wheat is still VERY affordable at $2.02/can. Please get your wheat NOW.

Since I love you so much, I feel it my duty to nag and pester you. Please do what you can to prepare your families for hard times NOW. Enough said.


Scott Kneeland said...

Yes I agree I seriously need to get busy. We are in the crisis. It is a crazy world.

Nunazuna said...

Thanks Carrie for inspiring me again. Ben and I know how important this is and we get so scared everytime we here the church talking about emergency prep. We shouldn't be scared though, we should be ready. I'm going to make and appointment at the cannery again asap. Thanks. I love you! P.S. Ron's taking the baby book to work tomorrow.

Jayne said...

I agree with you completely and I'm glad that you reminded us all again.

I'm almost there with my supply, but then again, NONE of my children are completely ready so I guess I need way more!
