Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fight To The Finish

I had my usual baby check-up this morning. My blood pressure was high and I had gained a bit more weight this month than I should have (Oops! Blegian ice cream sandwhich, maybe??). Unfortunately, this opened a can of worms called extra testing just to make sure I wasn't getting preeclampsia. I also had to do my glucose test since I didn't do it last month because I was terribly sick and didn't feel like it (read " How Not To Plan A Romantic Getaway")

With all of the testing that came flying at me this morning, I felt like I was in a fight to prove that me and the baby are just fine. So to the tests I say, "Bring it, Princess!!!"

"In this corner we have, Pregnant Lady Extraordinaire! With her expanding girth and expert waddling ability - how could she lose???"
"And in this corner, we have The Barrage of Extra Testing! Looming pregnancy diabetes, fetal stress test and the feared preeclampsia test complete with a 24 hour urine collection jug, with such fierce competitors - who will the winner be???"

So I jumped into the fight. Gulped down the fake orange soda for the glucose test, got all of my blood work done and was given the gift of a giant collector jug complete with a collection bowl, which kind of looks like a cowboy hat when you turn it upside down. They were nice enough to put it in a discrete HUGE brown paper bag. Sweet. Then I headed to the 3rd floor for the fetal stress test. I got to kick back in a comfy lounge chair, watch TV and sip apple juice. Whadoyaknow? My blood pressure went way back down to normal. I guess there's just something about being greeted at the doctors' office with a urine sample cup and a weight scale that freaks me out and makes my blood pressure go up. Who knew??

My fetal stress test and blood pressure tests were just perfect! "Round one goes to Pregnant Lady Extraordinaire!!!"

Tomorrow morning I get to start my 24 hour urine sample collection. Oh joy. Aaron is already doing dry heaves just thinking about a big jug of his wife's pee sitting in the fridge. If I know Aaron, he'll have a portable cooler system rigged up for me by the time he gets home from work. I've got to take it to the office tomorrow too. Nothin' like opening the fridge at work to find a co-worker's jug of pee next to your bagged lunch. This should be interesting...

I've gotta wait a few days for the blood work to come back. At least for now I'm winning. Take that, stupid tests!


Holly Mount said...

Good luck! I got lucky and had to do my 24 hour test in the winter here in Utah. I just stuck my pretty little container out on the deck in a cardboard box! (It turned into slush). I'll be checking back to see what the results are....

Nunazuna said...

Sweet Caroline! I'm so glad that you are my sister! You are so funny and creative in your writing. I hope that the Pregnant Lady Extraordinaire comes out with the championship belt! Don't worry all will be okay. I had a great time on Friday. I really hope we can get together again!

Barbra said...

Go Girl!!! You are so funny!!! You need to write a how to cope with pregnancy book!!! Have a great day!!!

The Kneeland Family said...

Okay I just talked to you this morning no mention of any of this. Good to hear all the tests are good. I know you will win. You are a fighter. Have fun with the jug.

A new Flight Attendant, said...

lol, I love reading your blog. Have fun with the jug. Has anyone mentioned the GBS test (I think that's what it's called)? That one is fun too, lol.

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Well... it's not a fav of mine, lol. You can read about it here. That way I don't have to write gross things on your comments, lol.

You'll have to take it about one month before you're due.

A new Flight Attendant, said...

lol, I know. Yep, every pregnancy. My first doctor was rough- hated him! The other two were opposite experiences, but still! I'm telling you, you need to email me, lol, I bet there are a couple more things they didn't tell you.

Sheryl said...

Hey you...You are living my first pre-birth experience. I did get the preeclampsia, and put on bed rest, then into the hospital 3 days before my baby was born. I pray for much better results for you darlin'. Hang in there "keep your left up"!

Kim L. said...

You are so stinking funny. I am going to have to start blog stalking you.\"/ Good luck on all the tests!

Colleen said...

Maybe you should write "Do not drink" on your collection jug.

Boy, would I have loved to put that pee jug in the fridge at work. Somebody was always eating my food. I'm pretty sure I know who it was & that he did it just because I reported him for using my classroom computer to access porn. All I had to do was mark my name on my food & it was gone! Wouldn't it be hilarious if he took a swig of pee? I hope none of your co-workers would make that mistake!

austin and cherisse said...

Go carrie go! Dont you just love all the test and the blood work! The the NST appointments every other freaking day...yea I had to do those will all of my kids! Not too much longer now. Are you enjoying the heat or what!

Jayne said...

you made me laugh out loud!
and your feet are so pitiful, but so funny!

hang in there, it's getting closer.
can't wait.
