Monday, April 14, 2008

Broke Food

Last night Aaron said he had a craving for Macaroni & Cheese (must be those pregnancy hormones). Being the extra awesome wife that I am, I said, "You got it!". The only catch was that he wanted it made the way his mom made it - with an egg boiled into it. To me, this sounded disgusting and a shameful way to waste a perfectly good box of Kraft Mac 'N Cheese. There was no compromising, we made 2 separate boxes. One for his rendition of Mac 'N Cheese (with egg & extra cheddar), and one for mine (spoonful of sour cream & extra cheddar). The above photo is of my white trash, "I'm a bad mom" dinner. Safeway brand root beer and macaroni & cheese. But don't y'all worry- I took my prenatal vitamin! (like that makes up for anything!)
This of course brought me back to the days of growing up on "Broke Food". No doubt the egg added into the Mac 'N Cheese was a futile attempt to add some sort of nutritional value to something that had none, thus lessening the guilt feeling of feeding your kids macaroni & cheese for dinner. Another favorite famous macaroni & cheese twist was to add fried hot dog chunks to the mix. Brilliant! Especially if you block out any thoughts of feeding your kids chemical laced processed animal parts and consider it "protein". Before you're a mom, you always think that you'll only feed your kids nutritious foods, and how dare those moms feed their kids french fries and soda for lunch! I however, have learned not to fall into this trap. When it comes down to lack of time, sleep, and patience - I too will have kids that will eat Macaroni & Cheese with hot dogs in it. Jury is still out on that egg thing...


Colleen said...

An egg in mac-n-cheese, that's a new combo for me. I don't know if I could eat that one. I could go for the sour cream though. Sour cream makes everything taste better. I suppose when it comes to mac-n-cheese, the possibilites are endless. (Unless the cheese portion could kill your kid.) One of my favorites mix-ins is canned chicken. My grandma did that once when I was at her house & I really liked it.

I think that the only thing that could make your meal more p.w.t. is a side of Tater Tots. Jeff always laughs when I serve Sloppy Joes with Tater Tots.

As for feeding your children, it's a good thing you've already accepted the inevitable unhealthy meals you'll serve. We go weeks on end eating chicken nuggets for lunch every single day. Just throw in some banana or apple slices & you'll feel better about the meal.

Nunazuna said...

So do you boil the egg with the noodles or do you add a boiled egg after it's all cooked? HA! You are hilarious! In my house growing up we didn't get Mac-N-Cheese. But I guess our close version was Saporro Ichiban ramen noodles. My mom always put eggs in it too! Yummm! Aaron is sure lucky to have you. I love you sis!