Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crazy Hair Day

Monday was Crazy Hair Day at Ev's preschool.  He needed a haircut anyway, so Sunday afternoon I got the clippers out and gave him a mohawk. 
He usually doesn't like anything different done with his hair, so I told him I was going to give him a haircut like a dragon.  He thought that was the coolest thing.  Whatever works, right? 

My plan was to have him wear his crazy hair to school, and I would shave the mohawk off as soon as we got home.  I'm not a big fan of little kids with mohawks.  To me, it looks low class and dirty.  I mean really, what kind of adults have mohawks?
A) Punk band member
B) Tattoo artist
C) Hot Topic employee. 

None of these professions are ones I would hope for my child to have therefore, a mohawk was not a haircut option.  Aaron on the other hand, thought it looked cool and wanted him to keep it for the entire summer.  He said Ev looked like Chuck Liddell. 

Awesome.  I was hoping my kid would look like a guy that beats up other guys for a living. 
We settled on a compromise (well, more like I told Aaron he could take my offer or leave it).  I agreed to let him have the mohawk for the rest of the school week.  Come Friday afternoon, I'll be waiting with the clippers in hand.

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