Monday, November 10, 2008

Shoe Box Party

Saturday, I got to be a little Christmas Angel.

Every year my friend, Amanda has a Shoebox Party. That's where we save our empty shoe boxes throughout the year and buy small, inexpensive toys, candy, school supplies and hygiene items and bring them to Amanda's house.
From there, we wrap the shoe boxes in Christmas paper and pack them full of goodies for the kids. Amanda brings them to her church and they distribute them to the kids that need them. For a lot of the kids, this is the only gift they will receive for Christmas.Last This year was just awesome, because not only is Amanda 4 months pregnant, but we were able to make 103 boxes. It was just amazing and I loved that I was able to be a part of it. Many families bring their kids to help, and the kids have a wonderful time packing the boxes full and learning compassion for others at the same time. I will be looking forward to next years' party.


Sheryl said...

What an incredible concept! I love it! Do you choose a gender and age for your shoebox? Or do you separate when you get to the party?

Colleen said...

What a neat idea! That's a great way to begin the holiday season! I'm getting so excited to have Thanksgiving & then get all ready for Christmas!