Monday, March 10, 2008

Baby Bump

This weekend was pretty cool. I got to go to a baby shower for a friend I grew up with. She is like, 1 1/2 months farther along than I am, but I looked more pregnant than she did! I guess that's the difference between tall and trim (her) and short and chunky (me). Either way, she was as cute as could be. It was good to see a bunch of ladies that I've known since I was little. Sunday at church was cool too, not only because I remembered my bra, but because people I don't really know were asking me when I was due. I have no problem getting bigger as long as I look like I'm going to have a baby, not that I just ate a baby. I also got to hang out with my oh-so-cute sister-in-law who just had a baby 3 weeks ago. She introduced me to the wonderful world of nipple cream and breast pads. Oh the joy that is coming my way!!

Sunday night Aaron got home from the last day of the Long Beach Boat Show. When the shows are on I'm a "Boat Show Widow". Needless to say, I was more than excited to see him. He walked in the kitchen and I rushed to give him a HUGE welcome home hug. In doing so, our tummies bumped before the rest of us did. I kinda bounced back a little bit and Aaron pointed out what just happened. I started laughing uncontrollably. I didn't realize my tummy stuck out that far. Guess you can have a baby bump and bump with your baby too.


Unknown said...

Hey Carrie, it's Laura. Krista told me about this whole blog thing. It is so great to know that you are pregant again. It was fun to read your bloggs. I think I am going to like this blogg thing. My e-mail is Lets keep in touch more. Love you, Laura

Krista Kneeland said...

Hey girl! I was so bummed to miss Heathers Baby Shower but we had 101 things to do Saturday and they were church related and I felt like I had to be there so bummer. That is hilarious that is what happens when we short wasted ones get prego. But I know just what your talking about been there done that. Love ya Krista Tell Amy congrats.

Colleen said...

Don't you just love your baby bump? I always love having the baby bump. I love maternity clothes - they're way more comfy than regular clothes. I love the fact that when I'm pregnant, I don't have to feel fat. There's an excuse for my huge waistline!