Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Meet Baby Skeletor!

Easter was not only a cool day because it was Easter, but it was also a cool day because it marked the official 20 week 1/2 way mark of my being pregnant! Wahoo! Aaron and I got to sleep in, Nursery was a breeze with only 10 kids and then we went to dinner at the in-laws house. All in all a great day!

The next day was also awesome because it was the day of the "BIG ULTRASOUND" On our way to the hospital Aaron said that the whole pregnancy thing was still not completely real for him. After all, he can't feel the baby move or anything. The only thing he can see is his wife getting fatter (which is nothing new...).

The tech at the office asked if we were going to find out if we were having a girl or boy. I let Aaron decide since he was wavering a bit about finding out. He decided to hold to his original plan of not finding out. Aaron got see the entire ultrasound exam on the screen. The way I had to lay I couldn't see a darn thing! During the exam the tech said our baby was "feisty", clearly taking after Aaron. After the tech had made all her notes and measurements, she turned the screen so I could see the baby. It was so cool! Our "guppy" is weighing in around 14 oz. and all the body parts are present and looking good. We could even see the ears, upper lip and nostrils. Aaron teases me about having "the biggest nostrils he's ever seen", and when the baby's came on the screen he was sure to point out that they looked like mine. The tech was a bit put off by that comment, but she wasn't in on the running joke. All in all it was a very positive appointment and it was good to see that everything is going well. Aaron was smiling ear to ear all the way home. That made it more "real" to him. As for the gender, he is thoroughly convinced that we are having a girl. Not based on anything on the screen, but through his natural-killer-sales-man-instinct on being able to read people. Umm-hmm...

Needless to say, I posted some photos from our ultrasound. Up above is baby Skeletor. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw it. Down below are the left and right foot and a side profile of our baby's rear end, which I will undoubtedly be very familiar with after the 1,000th diaper change.


Unknown said...

I am so happy for you and Aaron. Isen't so much fun seeing the first ultra sound. Have you guys come up with any names yet? You know it makes it easier to pick one if you know what you are having. Just kidding. Just have fun being pregant. Keep me up-to-date. Love ya.... Ldaikusan@yahoo.com

Krista Kneeland said...

Okay so fun. Wow can you believe you are half way. I hope Aarons instincts are right. But don't get me wrong I do love my boys I just really like having my girl my biggest help first. Congrats on the half way mark.

Colleen said...

I'm glad to hear that baby looks good! I still think you're having a boy. We'll have to wait & see. This last half will go by so quickly & Baby Haring will be here before you know it!

austin and cherisse said...

Wow! Congrats enjoy your self girl! That poor child is going to be spoiled to death. Cant wait to hear what you have. We need to have a girls night before the little one comes