Friday, August 8, 2008

8-8-08 Time's Up!!

I can’t believe my due date is actually here! I know due dates are just an estimate and the odds of me giving birth today are slim and none, but it’s not because I haven’t been trying...

Aaron arranged for the carpets to get cleaned on Wednesday-very cool, except all of the furniture had to be moved. I had most of it moved before Aaron got home from work. He just had to move the couch and sub-woofer. With all of the furniture out of place it uncovered a whole herd of new dust bunnies and hair balls, so it was back to square one with cleaning. Dang it!

Yesterday I was on fire like the Energizer Bunny. I got so much done but I’m paying the price today. WHAT??? Me? Overdo it? NO WAY!!!

Here’s what I got accomplished:
20 minute power nap
10 loads of laundry washed and folded
8 storage bins moved and re-stacked
6 curtain sheers washed and re-hung
6 dining room chairs put back around the table
5 window blinds dusted
4 phone calls assuring people I wasn’t in labor
3 silk plants dusted and re-positioned
3 fancy-shmancy wall art things hung up
1 kitchen table & chairs moved back
1 sub-woofer dusted and put back in place
1 swing & bouncer washed & moved to the family room
1 ceiling fan de-fuzzed
1 giant sectional couch scooted back in place with my giant pregnant ba-donk-a-donk butt(See? It does come in handy for something)

...And I made dinner.

Aaron’s friends have all told him if we want to have this baby he needs to walk it out of me. So the last few nights after dinner Aaron and Moe take ME for a walk. Last night I made it out of our neighborhood and I could tell my back was toast. I still managed a pretty good waddle around the block, but got my rear end back on the couch as soon as we got home. Aaron was so cute, he handed me the TV remote, told me not to move and made me a chocolate milk shake. Dang, I love that boy!

What an awesome day.


Kris said...

WOW!! I am tired just reading what you got done. Put your feet up and rest - it will come in handy really soon! :) Good Luck!!

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Hey, it sounds like you got your burst of energy! If it is, that means you should be going into labor withing the next 48 hours! Word of advice- rest! I'm so excited for you, take care and let us all know when you go into labor (like the last thing you'll want to do is post something before your go to the hosipital, lol) Good luck!

Colleen said...

You're making the rest of us look bad! I wish I could get that much done. If you run out of things to clean in your house trying to get yourself to go into labor, we've got plenty of cleaning tasks to go around in our house. Just teasing! Get some rest - your baby will come before you know it & then you'll be wishing for some sleep.

The Kneeland Family said...

Hey sounds like you are nesting and ready to have that baby go for it girl Just call me when it is going