Monday, August 25, 2008

Breastfeeding Etiquette

OK ladies, I need some serious help here. I'm feeling great and ready to go back to church on Sunday, but to tell you the truth- I'm scared to death.

I need to know what the breastfeeding etiquette rules are at church. I have not mastered the discrete and stealth-like breastfeeding skills that I have witnessed in Nursery or in the foyer. In fact, I'm pretty clumsy. What is a newbie to do??

Our ward is so huge, there are no empty classrooms. I have not seen a Mother's Lounge that some buildings have besides, there are so many lactating women in our ward it would be like sitting in Relief Society. The Nursery room is full to capacity and with the amount of parents in there I'd have a full audience. Maybe I could just hide in the kitchen?

I'm thinking for the first couple of weeks I'll just go to Sacrament Meeting until I get the hang of things. Any advice is appreciated.


Joy said...

don't come to church for at least 6 weeks. you will be surprised how it will wipe you out. plus The church is to germy. There is a nursing room with rocking chairs off one of the foyers. You will get better nursing the more you do it. Just practice with a cover so he will get used to it. When I had Taylor I was horrible so I would go and do it in my car. I think I scarred some deacons skipping church. don't worry soon you will look like those national geographic ladies...doing laundry, cooking and walking all with a baby on their breast.

Colleen said...

You'll be able to do it! At my old ward when Tyler was a baby, nobody ever covered up in the Mother's Lounge. We were all pretty free & easy about it. My current ward is a bit more modest. Everyone covers themselves with a blanket. There are so many of us that there are usually people sitting on the floor to nurse. You'll get used to it. One time Tyler pulled the blanket off & I flashed a whole bunch of people in the Food Court at Ontario Mills - ah good memories. The more you nurse, the easier it will be & you'll feel more comfortable about it. I've nursed my kids in many odd locations - my favorite is on Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland. Before you know it, you'll be confident enough to nurse anytime, anyplace.

The Kneeland Family said...

Hey Carrie good to hear you are ready to do the church thing. I think if you get the hang of using a blanket to cover you up then you will be more comfortable with it. And when my babies are brand new and I go to church I just keep the baby in the car seat alot cause they sleep anyways. Then people are less likely to ask to hold him, it will keep the germs away. Love Ya call if you need anything

Sheryl said...

Okay, my nieces have "hooter hiders" The most amazing invention, it goes over your head like and apron, but has a bit of a stiff band in the front so you can see your baby, but no one else can unless they get waaayyy too close. I will have to check it out and get back to you!!

Sheryl said...

Oh yeah, and by your eighth kid, you will be a champ!

Kat said...

Yea, you'll get better as time goes on. I love the "Hooter Hider". I couldn't nurse without it. I am a fan of nursing in your car at church. The music is better and it has cutomized air conditioning. Trust me it will get better. With #2 I can nurse anywhere, retaurants, movie theatre, park, etc. Congrats!

Jayne said...

first of all your pictures that you find to post are so funny.
I loved the pig nursing her babies!
your baby is so cute! congrats!
by the way, I think people are very open with nursing , so don't let it stress you too much!

hang in there, it gets easier each day

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Unless there is a Mother's room, I would nurse in the car. Sometimes wards just put a rocking chair in the bathroom, but it's always so gross and stinky in their. And nursing in an empty class room just invites some one to walk in on you (most of the time it will be a man or teenagers too, lol). With the car, you can run you a/c and listen to church music or talks so you still feel like your getting spirtual feed and if you bring a boppy (or pillow) it makes nursing really comfortable. By the way, Hooter Hiders is a must have. If you don't want spend a ton of money you can google nursing covers and find the exact same thing for a lot cheaper too.