Monday, June 1, 2009

I Won't Tell Your Dad

This last week Ev has really taken off in the crawling and pulling himself up on everything department. He figured out how to climb up stairs, and is ALMOST faster than me at getting into what he shouldn't before I can grab it away or pull him off of where he shouldn't be.

From almost the beginning Ev has been fascinated with remote controls, and telephones. This last week Everett discovered Aaron's electronics. Most good moms would pull their kid away and direct their attention elsewhere. Not me. He wasn't squirting water into the TV (Krista!) or stuffing toys in the speakers (Colleen, didn't Tyler do that?) so, I just let him explore, climb and throw the remotes around. That kept him busy for a solid 10 minutes two days in a row. So you go ahead and check out that TV, the remotes and your dad's XBOX. If it gives me 10 minutes of peace, it was well worth the risk.


The Kneeland Family said...

Oh he is such a cutie! Can you come out on saturday and hang with Jani?

The Kneeland Family said...

Which ever works better for you morning or evening.