Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Yesterday was Everett's 1st birthday. When he woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was cuddle him and sing "Happy Birthday" to him.

Having my little one reach this huge mile marker had me thinking all kinds of weird thoughts yesterday. Later that morning when I was giving him his bath, the thought popped up, "Next year, you won't be able to bathe him in the sink." My heart sank. I'd have to put him in the tub, maybe I could just buy a bigger sink?When I was giving him a bottle and rocking him for his nap, the thought popped up, "I wonder how many more times I'll get to rock him to sleep." My mind didn't stop there. How many more times will I get to cuddle my little one in the middle of the night? How many more times will he jump up and down in his crib in the morning because he's excited to see me? How many more times will I get to smell his soft fuzzy hair after his bath? The thoughts kept coming all day long. I love this kid more than anything, and I just don't want to miss anything or take for granted the short time I have with him while he's a baby. Aaron's Grandma always said, the first steps your baby takes are the first steps toward walking away from you. Oh little one, I'm sorry to be so mushy and weepy. I can't help it. Just give me a day or two to snap out of it. Sunday the whole family is coming over. Then, we shall party.

1 comment:

Nunazuna said...

You made me cry! Leah isn't even born yet and I already feel like she's off to college. I guess one of the biggest blessings is also one of the hardest in parenting and that's watching your children grow up. You still have many more years with him and your doing a good job of savoring every moment.