Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Taking Myself Off of "Pause"

For the last year I have been on "pause".

Since the baby, I have been on survival mode and my looks have gone to hell in a hand basket. I am the first to admit this, I am fully aware of how awful I look. A couple of months ago, I had a complete meltdown (connected to "that time of the month", no doubt) and I have been getting myself back on track. It didn't help that my mom called me two weeks ago concerned about how crummy I looked and was coming up with ways she could help "fix me". Oh boy, this is bad.

I started eating better and lost 10 pounds. I still have a LONG way to go, but hey, it's a start. I have been on a hiatus since we've been moving, but I haven't gained any weight back and I'm anxious to get back to eating better.

I scrubbed the inch-thick calluses on my heels and painted my toe nails a bright pretty pink. I'm starting to feel more and more like a girl again.

Today is another big step in the right direction. Shortly after Ev was born, my contacts wore out and I was trying to save money and decided to just wear my glasses instead of paying for and eye exam and more contacts. Although saving the money sounds great in theory, my self esteem took a huge hit in the process. I hate how I look in glasses. My ears are lopsided so my glasses sit crooked on my face.I can't tell you how many times Everett has ripped them off of my face. They get smudged and block my clear view, they steam up when I'm doing the dishes, and do you have any idea how hard it is to put on makeup when you can't see your face? So this afternoon I have an eye appointment to get new contacts and I'm ditching these glasses. I'm so excited!My next project to get myself back on track: My pathetic hair.


McMullin said...

Boy I'm right with you! Hang in there, you are on the right track. i'm gonna fix my feet just because you inspired me! thanks- xoxo

Colleen said...

I know the feeling! I think I'm finally starting to return to normal life after adding Matthew to our family. Just a couple more months of nursing & I'll be back to the real world. As for my appearance, I'm stuck in a ponytail rut. The thought of using my hair dryer and wearing my hair down in this weather is just something I can't handle. I need to get my fat self exercising, but I still value my sleep too much to get up before my kids to work out. I'm hoping that once school starts I can get myself into a better routine!

Jayne said...

well, I personally think you are beautiful, inside and Out.

but improving one self is always a good thing.

I look at my very good looking children and say to myself, I gave them the best I had, but they sure left me with little in return!

The Kneeland Family said...

Just call and we will figure out a day! You are to cute no matter what stop putting yourself down. But I am glad you are feeling good!