Monday, August 10, 2009

Sweat Shop

This weekend, Ev and I helped Aaron at the Label shop. Aaron and I put together some portfolio folders so he could pound the pavement this week in search of some new clients. Aaron said having us there was kind of like running a sweat shop with women and children. While we were affixing labels, Everett had a run of the shop in his walker. There was plenty of dirt, ink and equipment to get into. He managed to quickly find all of these things on his own. He loved to pull the empty label paper out of the trash and it would quickly get tangled.As soon as he found them, the label cores were all over the floor.We still don't know exactly what he got into, but he managed to give himself a Hitler mustache. Aaron's first thought was to wash it off, my first thought was to grab the camera. Almost instantly, his feet were filthy from the shop floor. Aaron suggested we start calling him Pig Pen.
Although Everett came close to single handedly destroying the label shop, Aaron said he was so happy that he got to spend the day with his boy and his wife.It's not very often we get to spend the whole day together. It was well worth the inconvenience of packing all the baby gear and having my son covered in dirt in order to spend the day with Aaron. Ev and I just love being around him!


The Kneeland Family said...

To cute! I know you had a blast. Ev is so cute

Nunazuna said...

I love the way you think! "Grab the Camera!" Your more asian than me! Your such a great wife and mother. I hope you realize what an example you are for others. Can't wait to see you guys on Sunday! Happy Birthday little Eve!