Saturday, October 4, 2008

Round of Applause

So Wednesday, Everett turned 7 weeks old. I put him on the ottoman to take some photos of him (because I clearly don't have enough), and here's what happened:

Who taught you that? I put him back on his tummy just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, and he did it 3 more times. Holy cow, my boy can roll over. It's kind of ridiculous how something so simple could make me beam from ear to ear and call the grandmas to share the news. Geesh, it's not like he did a back flip, but it was just as exciting. I am realizing my days of having him immobile are numbered. Guess I better keep the baby gate close by...


Lisa said...

He is so adorable and snuggly! I hope you will get more time together with Daddy very soon, but how awesome he is to work so hard. You are a great team!

The Kneeland Family said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow and how fast they are able to do things. We warned you. But isn't it fun to see them be able to do different things.

Colleen said...

Wow, that's really young to roll over! Lucky you! Now he's really going to keep you on your toes!