Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Who's On The Lord's Side, Who?

My mom sent me this picture in an email. Cute, but a bit sobering at the same time.

I've read all about what has happened in Massachusetts since same-sex marriage was legalized and it doesn't look good. I don't want my son to be "party A" when he gets married, I don't think it is appropriate to teach a 5 year old about homosexuality, I don't want him having homosexuality shoved down his throat at school and taught it is morally correct and wonderful - it is not. I don't think it's cute or appropriate to have "gay day" at school. I refuse to have my rights as a parent taken away from me, I refuse to hand my child over to the government to teach him what they think is politically correct and moral.

Opponents to Prop. 8 say it won't effect schools or churches - oh really? Why did the teacher's union spend 1.25 million to oppose it? Why are they saying it is their duty to teach same-sex tolerance? Just you wait for the lawsuits to start flying, opposing same-sex marriage is going to get you into deep trouble. In Massachusetts a Catholic adoption agency has already shut down rather than adopt to same-sex couples, and I believe it is only the beginning.

As far as Satan is concerned, once the family unit has been destroyed, the rest is easy. Ask any kid who grew up in a divorced or single parent home how easy it was to keep their head on straight. My vote is for Yes on Prop. 8, it will have a bigger impact than most realize.


Sheryl said...

Yay girlfriend! I agree, great picture but sobering as well. We have a battle that Satan has waged, and we have to keep fighting the good fight. Prayers are a must!

Colleen said...

Amen to that! Jeff is already talking about moving out of state if Prop 8 doesn't pass. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but as a former teacher, I can promise you that the homosexual agenda WILL find its way into the classrooms - not even necessarily as the health curriculum. It will be integrated throughout other subjects. When I taught 3rd grade, there was a 6 week theme for language arts about family traditions. Don't you think a story about same-sex parents will easily find its way into that unit? There's not an option for parents to sign their kids out of a story being read for Language Arts & the teachers don't notify parents of every story they read in class. I hope the people of CA can find it in their hearts to protect traditional marriage by voting Yes on Prop 8!

The Kneeland Family said...

Amen isn't that the truth. You are so good about putting it just right. Thanks for caring about my sickness. I have been back to the good old school routine since yesterday. I am just glad the worst of it was over the weekend. I am over it moving on. Just hope none of the kids get it. Love YA!

Nunazuna said...

Amen Sista!