Thursday, May 7, 2009

Teeth, Dog Dishes & Crawling

For the last couple days, Everett hasn't been his usual sweet self. Oh sure, during the day he's a perfect angel for all of the Grandma's, but as soon as we get home he turns into "Mr. Crankypants". There's nothing I could do that would make him happy. Yesterday, magically, he was back to being the sweet little boy I knew - thank goodness. He was slobbering all over my finger while making baby noises - and there it was...I felt a tooth! Yup, there it was his front bottom tooth had broken through the gums. Well no wonder you've been so cranky. Sorry for not noticing you were in pain. Here we go! Teething officially begins!

Other fun stuff:

Monday I left Everett in the family room to play with his toys while I switched the laundry. While collecting a new batch of clothes, I hear CLINK! CLINK! coming from the other room. Oh no. Everett found Moe's water dish!

I hustled into the family room and sure enough, Everett had made it over to Moe's dog bed and water dish. He knocked over the dish sending water all over the kitchen floor with him in the middle of it. He was completely soaked and had this "Get me outta here!" look on his face. I think it's safe to say that Everett is officially crawling. It may not be as graceful as some other babies, but he can sure make his way across the room in a hurry if he wants.

He is also starting to understand and do the motions for clapping and arms up. It's amazing how quick this little boy is learning.

I am quite pleased with his timing on the last few measurements of progress since I started back to work. He has been nice enough to display his new tricks after 4pm. I was the first one to see him pull himself up on something - on his knees and standing. Aaron and I were the first to see him get up on his knees to start crawling. I was the first one to notice a tooth. I can't tell you how happy that makes me to not have to hear about those things second hand.


Colleen said...

I'm so glad that Everett is leaving those milestones for you. Last night I missed Matthew's first time he rolled from his tummy to his back. One of the missionaries saw him do it as I was putting the final touches on our dinner. Oh well, he'll do it again & I'll see it then.

The Kneeland Family said...

I'm so happy you were the first to notice it all. Thats the way it should be. Props to Ev. And Oh my gosh I can't believe hes got a tooth.

Nunazuna said...

Wow! I can't wait to see him on Sunday. I'm so glad that you were the first to see his new tricks! Just tell moms and grandma not to tell you when he's done his other firsts. That way you can just see it yourself.

austin and cherisse said...

Oh so cute! Hopefully the move went well and you guys are doing good!