Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Mother's Day Breakfast?

My first Mother’s Day was not anything that I thought it would be. Due to a series of unfortunate events, things did not go according to plan. On Mother’s Day, we are supposed to be taken away from our daily duties for a little bit, and take a little time to relax. In the end, I was completely exhausted, haggard-looking and my house is a complete disaster. I looked like, well, a mom.

Saturday Aaron spent the day at home. It was so nice to have him home. He had the idea of going to visit his parents who were camping at Lake Skinner. (They camp a lot and on occasion we will visit, have dinner and sit by the campfire, and head home late at night.) We had a great time visiting with Aaron’s parents. At 11pm we headed for home only to find that we were locked inside the campground. The ranger warned that the gates get locked at 10pm, but Aaron didn’t take the warning seriously. He said that campsites never really lock the gates in case there is a medical emergency, or natural disaster you have to be able to get out. FYI – don’t have a late night disaster at Lake Skinner. You’re stuck. Aaron inspected the gate, the lock, and the surrounding fences and came to the conclusion that there was no way around the gate. He instructed me to switch seats with him- it was “his turn to drive”. As I was buckling in the passenger seat, Aaron hits the gas and goes barreling toward the gate full speed. I about crapped my pants. I put my hands and knees up to brace for impact only to have Aaron stop the car and start laughing uncontrollably. Turd.

We headed back to his parents for a night of forced camping. Oh, did I mention we had the dog with us? Nice. Visions of all that I was NOT getting done at home bounced through my head. Aaron told me that he had a fabulous Mother’s Day breakfast planned to make for me. He had bought all of the groceries and proceeded to tell me about all of the yummy things I would NOT be having for breakfast the next day. Oh well.

I thank God that Aaron’s parents’ camp in a trailer with a kitchen, bathroom and sleeping areas. I was also thankful for my over-packing skills. I had enough formula, diapers and baby food to last until the morning. Aaron’s mom made up a nice bed for us. Ev and I slept on the bed and Aaron and Moe slept on the floor. Aaron and I tossed and turned all night. By 7:45 am we were on the road back home.

We finally made it home by about 9 am, exhausted. While I fed Everett, Aaron fell asleep on the couch. My only thought was, “Well…there goes my help.” I had 45 minutes to get myself showered and ready, Ev bathed and ready and the food thrown together and out the door. I left without Aaron, who was still waking from his slumber and couldn’t figure out why I was so frazzled.(I couldn't imagine WHY??)

I spent Mother’s Day at my Grandmas and then at my Mom’s without my husband. He fell back asleep after I left, and then mowed the lawn. I got back from my mom’s just in time to throw together a pan of enchiladas and head out the door to his sister’s house for a family party. Aaron could tell I was in a fowl mood. He tread lightly around me and was extra nice. He also apologized for not being awake to help me. Progress...

We finally made it to bed around 10 pm. The whole day Monday I was still a zombie and was just a mess. Maybe it was just the major disappointment. After I got home from work things started to look up. I got the dishes done and the kitchen looking somewhat presentable. I got the laundry going and all of the toys picked up. Aaron came home early (8pm) and made me my Mother’s Day breakfast for dinner. I got my waffles with fresh berry syrup topped with whipped cream and powdered sugar. I got Canadian bacon and orange juice and a giant mug of peppermint hot chocolate. Pure heaven. I was happy again, Aaron was my knight in shining armor again and Everett went to sleep in nothing flat. Nice. This is more like it!


Colleen said...

One year I said I just wanted to stay in bed and do nothing for Mother's Day. Wouldn't you know it. . . I got the flu - so I did get to stay in bed (and the bathroom) all day long. At least your first Mother's Day will be memorable & there's plenty of room for improvement in the years to come.

The Kneeland Family said...

You are definately nicer than I you held that in good. The second Scott fell asleep after the trip I probably would have poured a big glass of ice cold water on him. He would have got the drift of things.