Wednesday, June 4, 2008

30 Weeks Pregnant and Nobody Warned Me!!!

What to do when it's late at night and your husband has to work? Take photos of your 30 week pregnant tummy- what else?
I'm pretty excited that I made it to this mile marker, but I have to admit, this has been a very hard week so far. For the last month things have started to get a bit uncomfortable "down there". It felt like I had been riding a mountain bike, but it was nothing I couldn't deal with, bones softening and ligaments stretching...sure that's normal. The activities from Saturday (read post below) had me up and moving far more than my body was willing to handle and I could hardly walk Saturday night and by Sunday I felt like I had been kicked in the crotch and had to walk slow. Monday I was feeling better but made the mistake of going to Costco and Walmart after work, I was back to square one. So here I am on Wednesday, I still have to take baby steps, walk slow, it's torture to get in and out of bed. Aaron said that I'll just have to take it easy, but I work at a job where I'm sitting down all day, how much easier could I take it? I can't stand up for more than a 1/2 hour before I need to sit down again. I feel like more of an old lady than a pregnant lady and I'm quite literally "butt-hurt" about the whole thing.

Since my friends started having babies about 8 years ago, I have been drilling them with several Q & A sessions, I asked them about EVERYTHING, even the gross stuff. Somehow, this subject got left out of their answers. It leaves me to wonder, did they just not get the "kicked in the crotch" syndrome? I thought for sure I wouldn't be waddling until next month. Guess I'm an over-achiever in this department. Hooray for me.


Colleen said...

Don't worry, only 10 weeks to go. Sorry we forgot to mention the pain you're having. I didn't really have that with Tyler, but I most definitely did with Claire. It's probably because your pubic bones are separating, making room for little Haring to head out. Just follow Aaron's advice & take it easy. Make sure you tell your doctor about it at your next appointment. Oh, and I just realized, I'll probably have my ultrasound right around the time you're due. So I could possibly find out the sex of my baby before you do. I'm just not patient enough to wait.

austin and cherisse said...

Ahhh I am so happy for you that you only have 10 weeks to go that is awsome! Yea dont you love being no. But it will all be worth it in the end. Yea we need to get together soon. Acutally I am not into musicals either to be honest with you. But that one I dont have to say was awsome and that means a lot coming from me. Since I am not a big fan normally. So go see it before you have the baby!!! You will be glad you did. You will forget all about being prego for a couple of hours!!

Sheryl said...

Just reading your words, I feel your pain....It is not a fun feeling at the end of it all. You really are waiting until the baby is born to find out what your are having? How novel is that in this day and age. I haven't asked what your name choices are either, are you divulging? put it on my blog K? See ya cutie!

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Oh I know this "syndrome" a little to well. It SUCKS! No one told me either, I thought that I was just a freak of nature, lol. So on one hand I'm sorry for your pain and on the other, I'm thankful I'm not the only one. Just be grateful, my pain started 4 months ago! Your belly looks so cute by the way!

Sheryl said...

love your girl name - one of my fav's, and love the second boy's name the best...;)

Carolyn said...

Caroline - I am finally past the firewall that prevented me from accessing the blogger website! And now I am back on my old blogger website - wooohoooo!

The Kneeland Family said...

Cute Pics and oh yeah I remember those croch kicks ow. We are back on blog

Nunazuna said...

oh boy! Can you please start writing down all this stuff so I'm not in the dark when my turn comes along. Though it might be better to be in the dark about certain things. Like the whole pooing while pushing the baby out. I probably would be better off not knowing that. Don't you think?