Monday, June 2, 2008

Men + BBQ + Swords = Women Clean Up The Mess

On Saturday I spent the day busting my butt cleaning and organizing the house. I've got a lot of work to do before the baby gets here. Aaron and I had talked about maybe having the neighbors (Tom & Krisz) over for dinner that night, but there were no definite plans. It was almost 6pm (that's when Aaron gets off of work) so I figured I had a solid 40 minutes to get working on dinner before he got home. Then the phone rang...
Aaron let me know he'd sent messages to my cell phone and called the house and I didn't answer. (I was rockin' out while I was cleaning and didn't hear the phone) He let me know that he got off work early and I had about 5 minutes before we had a house full of people he had invited over. D'oh!

I raced into hyperactive speed and made the house look as presentable as possible and got out all the food we were planning on eating with the neighbors, only now we had three more people coming. Luckily, everyone was running a bit late so I was pretty on top of things by the time everyone showed up. I got all of the food prepped and made with some help from the guests. Aaron did a killer job on the grill as usual and it turned out great.

The boys started talking about the upcoming Demolition Derby in Chino and the possibility of entering a car in the derby. Our neighbor builds off roading vehicles so all of the guys headed over to Tom and Krisz's to check out his gear....leaving us ladies to clean up the mess. Thanks, guys.

We got the kitchen under control and ate our dessert without the boys. It was after midnight and we still hadn't heard from them, so we headed over to the neighbors to see what they were up to.

When we got there, we found 4 sweaty men cleaning swords in the kitchen sink. Hmmm...that's a new one. Our neighbor also has an extensive collection of medieval swords. Apparently, the guys decided to go in the backyard and chuck lemons at each other while trying to chop them mid-air with the swords, they even had a medieval helmet. I did have to give them points for creativity. Stupid, but creative.

We hung out for a while, and finally got home and to bed a 2 am, I was toast. Sunday afternoon, Aaron was talking to Tom on the phone. In the morning, his wife looked out the window and asked what all the yellow things in the grass were. I guess the boys didn't bother to clean up that mess either, and Krisz got to spend the morning picking up hacked lemon chunks out of the grass. Again...thanks guys.


Barbra said...

That is pretty funny, however you were too nice :) I would have demanded those boys help :) Have a great day:)

Sheryl said...

Waaaay too nice! There must be quite a high level of testosterone in your neighborhood! I can just imagine my boys doing that lemon thing. It's a good thing the women weren't there, you would have been cringing, and yelling out "be careful, someone is going to get hurt"!