Monday, June 23, 2008

And The Winner Is...

I had quite a weekend. Some bad, lots of good – at the end, it’s all just part of life.

As for my continuing fight, round two went to...
The Barrage of Extra Testing! Dang!

Thursday, the hospital called to inform me that my glucose test didn’t go so well. My blood sugar level was a little high, so they wanted me to come in to do a 3-HOUR glucose test. There goes my Saturday! So like any responsible adult faced with the possibility of having pregnancy diabetes, I went home and had a giant bowl of ice cream before the doctors could tell me I couldn’t. Perhaps I’m a bit passive-aggressive…or you could just call me a stubborn brat.

Friday I turned in my 24-hour urine test. I made sure my hair and makeup were done for my grand entrance into the lab. For me, I guess there’s something just a little less humiliating about handing over my ice cold jug-o-pee to a complete stranger if I know I at least look great doing it! HOT!!!
I quietly and stealthily slipped into the lab as to not direct attention to myself or my top-secret package. I understand those who work in a hospital lab see this stuff all day long, but it still kind of threw me back a little to see the lab tech SHRED the paper bag the jug was in like it was Christmas morning. So much for discrete, and Merry Christmas to you!!

Saturday morning I headed down to the hospital to do my 3-hour test. I had to fast for 12 hours before the test so by the time I was done I hadn't eaten in 16 hours. The waiting room was full of other pregnant ladies doing the same test and really old people in really bad Hawaiian shirts. When I went back for my first blood draw, the lab tech asked me if I was pregnant. Immediately my brain launched into a Bill Engvall comedy routine, "Nope! I just ate a nice juicy basketball! Here's yer sign" Ummm, duh? I just politely said "yes". Made it through the testing and headed home full of needle holes in my arms.

Monday morning (today) I called in to get my test results...
..and with one knock-out punch, the winner is...

Pregnant Lady Extraordinaire!!!

That's right! I came, I saw, I kicked their trash! All of my tests came back normal. Me and the baby are fine and there's nothing to worry about. Whew!! How 'bout another round of ice cream?? Just kidding!

Other Cool Stuff That Happened This Weekend...
I got out my mom's sewing machine and pretended to know how to sew again. I worked on the crib bumper. Didn't get it finished, but got a good dent in the project.

Saturday, Aaron fished a night-time bass tournament. (they fish all night and get home in the morning) When Aaron got home at 5:30 a.m. Sunday, he was so excited to let me know he not only caught the biggest fish ($$) of the whole tournament, but he and his partner also won first place in the tournament ($$$$) Woohoo! Way to go! I was so proud of him.

I made him a french toast "Hero Breakfast" before he headed off to work 3 hours later.

Later that night we headed over to my mom's to celebrate my sister, Kelle's birthday. We had a great time being together as a family and it was a perfect way to end the weekend.


Colleen said...

I'm glad that your blood sugar test came back normal. Just stay tough - you're almost there! I hope that next weekend is better for you. Your crib bumper is looking good! I can't wait to see the complete nursery!

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Yay for you and your tests! Sorry you have to do the 3-hour one. That had to have been so annoying! I saw you should celebrate with ice cream... or pancakes... or chewy cookies. Mmmmm, can you tell I'm preggos too? lol.

Kris said...

Congratulations to the Pregnant Lady Extraordinaire! I hated those tests - I had to do them will ALL of my kids. Although, I liked the orange way better than the cola flavored drink.

Sheryl said...

YOU GO GIRL!! Score one for the lady with the belly! I too love your fabric for your bebe's room, way cute. You have such a good eye I am sure the nursery is going to be fab!

Nunazuna said...

Yay!!!! Let's go out and get some Ice Cream!!! I knew everything would be okay!

The Kneeland Family said...

That's awesome I knew you would fight to the end. Tell Aaron congratulations for the win. That is so exciting. Your crib bumper looks awesome. Good Luck.