Friday, June 27, 2008

On Notice

I did it.
I called the Primary President and put in my notice. This Sunday will be my last in the Nursery. As much as I will miss being in Nursery, it’s definitely time to take a break. I have been there just over 3 years and it has been the absolute BEST calling I’ve ever had. Since Mother’s Day, it’s gradually been getting physically harder to do. I thought for sure that they would have released me by now, but as the weeks kept going by I realized if I didn’t speak up and say something, I may be giving birth in the Nursery room.

I did feel kinda bad for the Primary President. They just re-organized the entire presidency last month and she seemed extremely overwhelmed. She let me know that it has not been easy getting people to help in Nursery. We have a HUGE ward – are that many people saying NO to a Nursery calling? If so, it may be time to set a limit on how many kids can be in the Nursery at one time and the rest will just have to sit with their parents. Sorry- this isn’t daycare!

I got over feeling bad pretty quickly though. After all, they’ve had 8 months to replace me and nothing was done. It will be a strange adjustment, but I am pretty excited to start a new chapter in my life. But that's next week. This week, I'm just going to enjoy every last moment I have with those babies. I'll miss them terribly.


Kris said...

I know the kids will miss you!! You have been a fantastic nursery teacher!

A new Flight Attendant, said...

I love, that you have loved being in the Nursery! Our ward says they have the same problem with getting people to say yes to a calling in Primary or the Nursery. I don't get it, isn't it the parents of the kids in those classes that are saying no? Crazy.

Colleen said...

I too loved Nursery! I agree that it is a physically demanding calling, especially when you're pregnant. I was in Nursery while pregnant with Claire. About a month before I was due, I was told that I was going to be released the following week. The next Sunday, they didn't release me - but they did move my assistant to the other nursery, leaving me with 17 kids by myself! Wasn't that kind? I was so frustrated. Jeff ended up talking to the Bishop & let him know that he needed to find someone new by the next Sunday because I would no longer be teaching Nursery. Apparently nursery is a hard calling to fill. Don't feel bad for "putting in your notice." Sometimes the leaders get so busy with everything they have to do, that they forget about details like, "the nursery leader is about to pop and her feet are twice their normal might be time to find a replacement." Enjoy your next few weeks in Relief Society. I can't wait to see Baby Haring!

Sheryl said...

Those babies have been so blessed to have you in their lives! I know they love you too. I see them light up when they see you. You will always be special to them.

The Kneeland Family said...

Just let me know what day next week and I will make it happen.

Unknown said...

I can do what ever when ever. I want to see your house too. Maybe the kids and i can stop by sometime. Let me know.