Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Guess I Misunderstood

Friday was my last day of work. My boss (and step-dad) retired me and told me when my last day was. Said "goodbye" and sent me on my way home. Monday, my official first day of retirement, I was at home and my wonderful mother-in-law was helping me put the baby room together. Imagine my confusion when my boss called me at home letting me know of a new project he needed done and when would I be in???

Hmmm...did I miss something? Guess I'll be giving birth at the office. Perhaps I should have had Aaron set up the crib there? So here I am on Tuesday at work. World's shortest retirement?? I'll be here LATE to get this project done so I don't have to come back anytime soon.

While I was here, we had a kickin' 5.4 earthquake. My mom, aunt and uncle were here remodeling the office. The office I work at (or at least thought I USED to work at) is old and the property owner does not maintain it up to code - not to mention it's on the 2nd floor. It's a literal death trap if there's a big enough earthquake. When the quake hit my aunt, uncle and I all ran for the door while my mom dove under a desk. We all looked at her like she was crazy. This building could go down at any moment, a desk isn't going to save you!! We grabbed her and her purse and headed downstairs to the parking lot. We took off to an up-to-code one story establishment to wait out any major aftershocks - Del Taco! My aunt and uncle just moved here less than 2 weeks ago from Utah - welcome to California! My aunt was understandably shaken and ready to get outta here!

Things have calmed down and it's back to work as usual. My boss has even given me a new assignment for tomorrow. Are you kidding me? I'm trying to figure out how to nicely tell him to kiss my big pregnant butt and figure it out himself, but I don't suppose that would go over well...Guess he meant I get ONE day off until I give birth, then I can retire. Glad we cleared that up.


Sheryl said...

You are so stinkin cute and hilarious! So much for retirement for sure! I am sure there is some really cute baby furniture that would match the new decor of the old office...wink, wink!

The Kneeland Family said...

Oh Carrie. You are just to good of a worker. Just pretend like your in labor and go home instead. That might work unless he follows you to the hospital with a laptop. Well good luck chickie call me if you need anything or when you get to retire again.