Monday, July 14, 2008

Total Meltdown

It happened.

I am having a total pregnant lady, hormonal, mental meltdown.
Saturday I was completely normal. I had another battle with the ants in the morning, but that evening they were all gone except for a couple of stragglers. Sunday I got Aaron off to work and was having a nice morning until I opened the pantry to get some cereal. Ants everywhere. Then I went to use the hall bathroom. Ants everywhere. I lost my marbles and just started bawling uncontrollably and couldn't stop.
I had lost an entire week killing and cleaning ants instead of getting my house ready for Baby Haring. That just made me focus even more on everything that was still not done. That sent me farther into meltdown mode. I just sat on the couch hugging Moe, bawling my eyes out. I was a mess. I didn't even go to church for fear I would lose it again.
My sisters came over later and helped me make the quilt top for the baby and I put the stroller together. I was feeling better because I was at least making progress. Later that evening, I had calmed down and was feeling better...until the sewing machine broke.
I started feeling like I was going to have another meltdown so I put the sewing project away. Aaron could tell I was upset and was helping me put the folding table away. On our way back down the hall, Aaron pointed out a new ant trail in the hallway. I lost it all over again and started bawling. This completely freaked Aaron out since I'm always so calm and easy going. He's not used to seeing me as a neurotic mess.
He made me sit on the couch with Moe and watch TV. I had a medical examiner show on, but Aaron said I couldn't watch anything sad or depressing. He put on one of my favorite movies, The Three Amigos and handed me an Otter Pop. I must have looked like something special.
This morning the ants were in full force again. In the dishwasher, in my cupboards, in the bathroom, and in my iron again even though I dumped all of the water out. I spent another 40 minutes cleaning instead of getting ready for work. Bawling of course, the entire time.
I thought for sure with only one month left I was going to get out of the total breakdown other ladies talk about experiencing. It's not even like there's any one thing that's a big deal, I'm freaking out over stupid little things that don't even matter. I didn't even see it coming.
I understand now - I get it.
To all of my friends who went through this and I wasn't there to help--I am so sorry. I will have to make a conscience effort to help other pregnant ladies when I can. I'm not sure how much longer I will be completely out of my mind, but I'm sure my recovery will begin when the ants are gone.


Colleen said...

Carrie, ants stink! I would melt down with that many ants attacking my house! Plus your sewing machine breaking - yikes! I'd be going crazy too - even if I wasn't pregnant! Aren't you so glad that you get to leave it all behind & have fun with the girls tonight?

The Kneeland Family said...

Oh Carrie, I am sorry. Hey look at the bright side you get to come and hang out with all your friends tonight. And hopefully all of those little ant critters stay out of sight. Oh what we get to go through isn't it fun.

Unknown said...

mixture that works around here ... 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water...
Hope that works... Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy...

Jayne said...

okay you need a pest control service.. did you ever know Paul Duncan.. he owns a company, that is who I have, they come every two months. NO ANTS, believe me I thought my house was one big ant hill.
here is his cell number 957 5910
Premier Pest control
tell him I sent you!

can't wait for your baby

Nunazuna said...

Oh Sweet Caroline! I'm so scared of how I'm going to be as a pregnant woman. I'm so proud of you little lady. Only 22.25 more days to go! I can't wait to be able to shower my new little niece/nephew! I love you!

A new Flight Attendant, said...

Oh Carrie, it happens to the best of us. lol, stinks going crazy huh. I think I would have a meltdown regardless of being pregnant though, those ants sound vicious.