Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Woman of the Century

Today my Great Grandma, Alta Flossie Bland turns 100 years old. They had a huge party for her in her home town of Lamar, Colorado. Grandma and I have been exchanging letters for years and I still get excited to receive her packages in the mail. You already know it's something she's crocheted for you. I've got a hutch filled with dolls made just for me and a cabinet filled with afghans in some of the oddest color combinations only my 100 year old Grandma could come up with.

I always say I come from a long line of feisty women, and my Grandma is no exception. It's pretty common to hear her talk about how her hip gave out on her so all she can do is sit and crochet. There is however a quick follow up with "...but there ain't nothin' wrong with m' mouth!"

I love listening to her talk about growing up. Back when they said they had "nothing", they really had NOTHING. Somehow they found a way to survive and make it. It always makes me realize that I don't have things so hard, quit complaining, and get to work.

So happy birthday, Grandma! I wish I could be there. I love you!


The Kneeland Family said...

That is so sweet. Can you imagine living to 100. That would be nuts. I can only imagine all the different eras she has gotten to experience. Yeah for her.

Colleen said...

Happy Birthday to your Great-Grandma! I hope I get to live a long time like that!