Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Tricks & Cute Things

Things have been a little weird around here with being sick, no sleep, and just life in general. I was visiting my mom last week and was showing her Everett's new tricks. She always asks, "Did you write that down for his baby book? You're not going to remember!!". I know she's right. I can't even remember the names of past roommates and co-workers. The sole purpose for this post is so I don't forget.

Two weeks ago Aaron and I were sitting having dinner, Ev was in his highchair. Aaron asked, "So, when does he know his name?" Hmmm...I dunno. I called out, "Everett!" and he looked at me. Coulda been a fluke. Aaron said "Ev!" and he looked at Aaron. We played this game for about a minute and then I would call out random names "telephone!" or "diaper!". No reaction. Then I would call his name again and sure enough, he would look right at me. Guess that's how you know he knows his name.

Another trick he is mastering is sitting up. while I'm changing his diaper, he's trying to sit up. When he's awake in his crib, he's trying to sit up. When he's in his swing, he's trying to sit up. He must have abs of steel. For about the last 2-3 weeks I've been sitting him down with the boppy pillow around him for support while he plays with his toys. The pillow is really only for when he gets tired and looses his balance so he doesn't fall backward and whack his head on the floor. Much of the time when he's bored with his toys he'll find the tag on the boppy pillow cover. To him, it is incredibly interesting. I'm sure he's reading the warning and washing instructions. From the kitchen, this is the view I get: Aunt Kelle comes out for her weekly "Everett Fix". She likes to take him on walks outside. When she was here last week, Ev was so sleepy he didn't make it very far on the walk before he fell asleep. She brought him back and I wrapped him up and had her give him a bottle to make him completely pass out. We have a good indicator of when Ev is fully asleep. You see, his binky acts kind of like a "turkey timer". When it pops out, he's done. I do have the cutest kid in the world, you know. It's my job as a mother to state out loud and believe such things.


The Kneeland Family said...

Wow he is getting so big we will have to get together next week I am staying at my sisters monday through Thursday because the kids are on break. Yeah I hope you will be home atleast one day. i can't wait to see Everett and his tricks.

Holly Mount said...

He is so darling!